Aboriginal, Bay Gallery Home, Interior Design, Made in the UK, My Country, Rug, provenance

View of Country

Mina Mina Dreamtime Rug, 100 % wool, hand knotted.

Mina Mina Dreamtime Rug, 100 % wool, hand knotted.

The wonderful throbbing, pulsating and constantly moving work of Pauline Nangala Gallagher is influenced by a semi-blindness in one eye. Whilst this might be a disadvantage in day to day life, it gives her a wholly unique perspective.  Pauline’s country is Pikilyi (Vaughan Springs), a sacred water hole  350 km north-west of Alice Springs.  Canvases and paints have been dropped to this remote location since 2005.  Pauline paints her stories using a huge array of colours influenced by the colours of her country.

Bay Gallery Home offers bespoke, made to order rugs from our vast collection of authentic Australian Aboriginal Artworks recounting the Aboriginal Dreamtime. 

My Country rugs are hand-knotted and available in wool, bamboo silk, Chinese silk or art viscose silk. They can be made to any size, colours may be altered, though the design must stay the same.  

Our rugs are manufactured through the ‘GoodWeave’ programme and distributed from the UK.