NEWS, Aboriginal, Bay Gallery Home

Bush Onion cotton velvet has arrived!

Bay Gallery Home is happy to share that our long awaited for Bush Onion cotton velvet has made it to our showroom.

The journey to get this velvet made encompasses ten’s of thousands of years, trips across the world, hours travelling to and from the artist Sarah Napurrurla and a lot of time finding designers with the skill to translate the Aboriginal paintings into repeat designs for velvets. Our designers have put their all into making our velvet range technically and aesthetically fabulous. It is another groundbreaking achievement for those collaborating with Bay Gallery Home helping make our vision reality.

Bush Onion cotton velvet is available by the metre. It is not online just yet so if you’d like to place an order or request a sample please contact


Featured painting Ben Jangala Gallagher.

Velvet floor cushion features Bush Onion dreaming design from original artwork by Aboriginal artist Sarah Napurrurla. The cushion was made by Kelli Angel.