

Bay Gallery Home reopening Monday 15 June 2020

Joycie Pitjara Morton cotton blind.  Design taken from painting by Joycie.

Joycie Pitjara Morton cotton blind. Design taken from painting by Joycie.

Bay Gallery Home is reopening Monday 15 June and we can’t wait to welcome old and new faces to our unique Aboriginal art gallery in Tetbury, the Cotswolds.

The Gallery is designed in such a way that it is easy to keep 2m social distance. If you would like to buy from us but you’re uncomfortable coming inside we’re happy to bring paintings, products from our ‘My Country’ interiors collections and our range of home wares outside.

We also have a remote payment system which works outside.

Inside the gallery we have a sink where you can wash your hands or use the gel hand sanitizer provided. Sanitizing wet wipes will also be provided. We ask that if you would like to look at something more closely you let us handle it for you. All products are sold in boxes only handled when unpacked - we do not sell the display items (unless it is the last one).

If you have recently travelled from overseas please make sure you’ve quarantined for two weeks as per our Governments guidance. Tetbury has largely been spared the ravages of Covid-19 by carefully adhering to the Public Health Guidelines. Please help us maintain the health of everyone here and our NHS staff.

Tetbury has a plethora of incredibly interesting independent shops and we are all looking forward to welcoming you to our beautiful Cotswold town.


Australian Catastrophe 2020

View of Country, Margaret Ngwarraye Long

View of Country, Margaret Ngwarraye Long

Bay Gallery Home has been meaning to write a blog for some time about the slew of environmental catastrophes devastating Australia. The impact of the widespread destruction of our home country, Australia, is extraordinarily difficult to put into words. My daughter, Greta, I think can say it best through the lens and emotions of a child: raw and honest. This is an excerpt of a presentation she did for a Australian fundraising event at her school in the UK.

“As you all might know some parts of Australia are on fire and that’s quite a sensitive subject for me as I’m Australian. The thing thats bothering me the most at the moment is the fires in Australia. It makes me so upset that I can’t do anything about it apart from think about it. I want to get over there and help the animals and the people. I want to help in anyway I possibly can and that’s why I think I am in this world. I want to hug everything. Thinking about going there again and seeing its all burnt down gives me the chills. The thing I most wish for this year is to make the world a better place.

We need to remember not only the iconic animals are in danger, like the koalas and kangaroos but the wombats, platypus, the birds, the Emus, insects, fish and many other animals and plants essential to the Australian eco system.

Please donate, if you can, to the fire brigade and the animal shelters. Thank you.” Greta, 11 years old

Here are some suggestions for those wishing to donate:

NSW Rural Fire Service

Wildlife Emergency fund -

Animal Rescue Collective Craft Guild - making pouches for injured wildlife

NEWS, Aboriginal, Bay Gallery Home

Bush Onion cotton velvet has arrived!

Bay Gallery Home is happy to share that our long awaited for Bush Onion cotton velvet has made it to our showroom.

The journey to get this velvet made encompasses ten’s of thousands of years, trips across the world, hours travelling to and from the artist Sarah Napurrurla and a lot of time finding designers with the skill to translate the Aboriginal paintings into repeat designs for velvets. Our designers have put their all into making our velvet range technically and aesthetically fabulous. It is another groundbreaking achievement for those collaborating with Bay Gallery Home helping make our vision reality.

Bush Onion cotton velvet is available by the metre. It is not online just yet so if you’d like to place an order or request a sample please contact


Featured painting Ben Jangala Gallagher.

Velvet floor cushion features Bush Onion dreaming design from original artwork by Aboriginal artist Sarah Napurrurla. The cushion was made by Kelli Angel.

Aboriginal, Art, Bay Gallery Home, NEWS

Our Aboriginal wallpaper artists at Number 46

Two of our incredibly talented artists who are painfully shy sit outside the art centre where they gather their painting materials before disappearing to paint. On their return they saunter in, often barefoot in clothes, they choose for colour and pattern, clutching exquisite completed works depicting the bush tucker and medicine of their Country. When we visit they are intrigued as to which work we choose to sell or translate into wallpapers. The painting on the art centre wall is inspiring us to upscale the next wallpapers in the collection!

It is a huge privilege to work with these women who empower us through their tenacity, fortitude and innate talent. Funds from each wallpaper goes to them and other artists in the Community providing painting materials, healthcare, transport and schooling in both Aboriginal and Western cultures helping to bridge the gap.

The wallpapers are available from our Cotswolds gallery or online at


Bay Gallery Home, Art, Aboriginal, My Country, NEWS

Our 'My Country' velvet collection


Bay Gallery Home brings you our My Country Ruth Blue, Red and Pink cotton velvet collection. As the latest edition to our award winning Aboriginal interiors collection we have chosen Aboriginal ‘Goanna Dreaming’ paintings by Ruth Nungarrayi Spencer selected on our last trip to the Central Desert communities we represent.

My Country embodies the Dreamtime stories still followed by this ancient culture for use in the every day.

One of the the four interiors surfaces (wallpapers, rugs, ceramic wall tiles and fabrics),  My Country references the Aboriginal philosophy and creative process, whereby all of creation is in relationship, at one with the land.  The original artworks'  particular provenance and symbols - inspired by mapping myths, rituals and sacred topography - results in a compelling, versatile aesthetic with a most subtle compositional depth of field, imbuing spaces with wider horizons of the imagination.

Our designers used techniques combined with high-res scanning process to accurately match every detail and color of the artists’ paintings.

The beauty and quality of our velvets reflect the origins of indigenous creative process and high-quality materials and British manufacturing skill.

We also offer a bespoke Made to Order service as well as selling the velvets by the metre.

Photography by Annabel Smith Interiors

Made by Kelli J Angell

Aboriginal, australia, Bay Gallery Home, NEWS, provenance

Australian Aboriginal Women Artists

The voices of the amazing Australian Aboriginal women artists we represent, the sale of their artwork & the My Country Interiors collection means their communities earn crucial revenue streams.

This allows them to gain independence, access to health care, maintain their origins, cultural heritage and connection with the land.

Through their roles as artists they are expanding the global awareness of an ancient culture in contemporary times. The artist communities we represent are made up of men and women, who have distinct but equally valuable stories to tell and paint of their people and country & it is our privilege to share them and give them a platform. 

• #designwithorigin  #internationalwomensday  #australian#aboriginal •